Yoga Fascia Anatomy and Movement , Second edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
Through Joanne Avison In a world that is more than ever seeking unity and connection , everything from anatomy to architecture , biomechanics to biomotion , and classical to connected speaks to all bodies .
Written in part as a plea to yoga teachers , Yoga, Fascia , Anatomy and Movement explores the depth and breadth of yoga as a science , a practice of movement and a philosophy that fundamentally upholds wholeness as the foundation of living anatomy and form . Yoga demands that we unite who and how we are , as well as how , as teachers , we can assist our diverse clients in moving more effectively .
The body is broken down into its constituent parts by classical anatomy (practically unchanged for 400 years) , which conventionally reduces the functionality of those parts to those parts . Typically represented in 2D iconic forms , classical anatomy is based on lever-based mechanics .
Such reductionism was never advocated in the East and Yoga , Fascia , Anatomy and Movement addresses two important bases to bridge the gap and update yoga knowledge to 21st-century anatomy : The first is to acknowledge that all those reductionist beliefs (anatomically and biomechanically) are altered by the cutting edge of fascia science .
The first section of the book meticulously explains this and demonstrates how the yogic philosophy of oneness and wholeness really makes perfect sense in light of the New Science of Body Architecture . The second is to put this paradigm shift into practice in order to gain a more nuanced understanding of the fascial architecture and how it improves our ability to move . Yoga , Fascia , Anatomy and Movement makes an effort to pose queries , identify pertinent studies and make all of this usable and practical for instructors and practitioners of all stripes . To support this, it actually teaches posture profiling and how to make class mandalas . It serves as a modern yoga teacher’s bible .
Yoga Fascia Anatomy and Movement , Second edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
See also : Zero Balancing (Original PDF from Publisher)
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