Kinésithérapie de la face , du crâne et du cou (PDF)
by Jean-Marie Hebting and Ghislaine FerrandGilles Ferrand
Today , head and neck physical therapy has developed into a true specialty that addresses all facets of the wide range of diseases present , including dysphonia , facial paralysis , traumatology , deformities , tumors , etc . Lakinésithérapie maxillo-faciale is regarded as a recognized therapeutic method ; the patient’s quality of life can be improved as a result of the results . When implemented as soon as the first symptoms appear, it helps to avoid the development of dysfunctions and sequelae , lowering the therapeutic cost .
This book , written for massage therapists who are interested in improving their knowledge of head and neck disorders as well as their rehabilitation techniques , outlines the specific skills needed to treat these various disorders . This book , which has a didactic purpose , is supplemented with almost 200 photographs, diagrams, and anatomical maps . It will be a useful resource for practicing kinesitherapists .
See also : Aromatherapy , Massage and Relaxation in Cancer Care : An Integrative Resource for Practitioners
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