Designing And Proposing Your Research Project (Concise Guides To Conducting Behavioral, Health, And Social Science Research Series) (EPUB)
Written by Bradley Matheus van Eeden-Moorefield and Jennifer Brown Urban, PhD
It takes time to plan a study and write a research proposal—often longer than the study itself! This helpful manual will explain you
through each stage of the procedure, saving you time and aggravation.
It will first assist you in narrowing down a study topic, which is a major (and crucial) initial step.
After that, it will assist you in formulating the research topic, planning the investigation and selecting the most effective sample and
measuring techniques.
Numerous examples and resources are provided by the figures, tables and displays, including exercises and worksheets that can be
completed by one person or by a study group.
Many books on study design concentrate on either qualitative or quantitative studies, but this one offers a fair assessment of the
advantages and disadvantages of each, along with the ways in which validity is approached differently in each.
There is no research study that is flawless or has all the answers.
The best research, in actuality, raise more questions than they do answers.
Your comprehension of study constraints and how to improve upon them in subsequent research will deepen after reading this book.
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