Massage Therapy : Principles and Practice , 7th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Dr. Susan G. Salvo, LMT, BCTMB
You can rely on this approachable , comprehensive guide to assist you in learning the fundamentals of massage treatment . Massage Therapy : Principles and practical , 7th Edition equips you for success in the classroom, on tests and in practical settings by covering the principles of massage therapy, techniques, and anatomy and physiology .
This approachable work has updated pathologies that match what you’ll see in the field , more than 700 photos , increased information on the most recent protocols , critical thinking exercises at the end of each chapter and more . To improve student comprehension , simple , uncomplicated information is written in a clear, approachable style . UNIQUE ! This is a simplified solution because it combines anatomy , physiology and foundational information into one book that can be carried about and used as a comprehensive resource .
The certification practice exam is a perfect way to prepare for the big certification exams . The chapter-ending critical-thinking questions aid students in the development of their clinical reasoning abilities . A strong art program uses a combination of professional images and high-quality graphics to further learning and comprehension of each topic .
NEW ! The most recent techniques are included in the updated hydrotherapy and spa chapter . NEW ! The Clinical Massage chapter’s expanded section on sports massage provides more details on this expanding field of practice . NEW ! The Kinesiology chapter’s updated artwork provides clear illustrations of important ideas .
See also : Fascia : What It Is and Why It Matters , 2nd Edition (EPUB)
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