Student Workbook for Pharmacology Made Simple (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Dr. Anthony Guerra
With the help of this helpful workbook, you may strengthen your understanding of pharmacology .
This workbook assists you in reviewing , practicing and applying the pharmacology information you will require as a healthcare practitioner and corresponds to the chapters in Pharmacology Made Easy . To assist you in comprehending and putting important ideas and concepts into practice, review questions and exercises offer “skills drills”-style practice . You’ll not only obtain more information from the book , but you’ll also feel more confident and be better prepared for the workforce . Content focuses on the information you require .
You can improve your vocabulary in pharmacology by doing word definition and mnemonic exercises . Questions with multiple choices, true/false answers, and matching tasks measure your understanding of fundamental ideas . You can improve your basic and applied arithmetic skills by working on dosage calculation questions . You are pushed to apply principles in a practical situation using visual activities .
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