Reimagining Psychiatric Epidemiology in a Global Frame : Toward A Social and Conceptual History (Rochester Studies in Medical History) (EPUB)
by Naomar Monteiro de Almeida-Filho , Gerald M. Oppenheimer , Rhodri Hayward , Anne M. Lovell and Junko Kitanaka
Like the epidemiology of cancer , heart disease or AIDS , psychiatric epidemiology is increasingly influencing national biopolitics and international health campaigns . Despite the importance of the discipline, this is the first book-length study of psychiatric epidemiology in history . It aims to completely chart the discipline’s growth and the use of its theories, practices, and resources to advance social goals . It sees the development of psychiatric epidemiology through these two lenses—conceptual and social . Additionally , its chapters serve as building blocks for that history as a multifaceted worldwide phenomena .
Instead of producing a uniform disciplinary field based on a shared paradigm , as may have happened in the epidemiology of cancer and cardiovascular disease, these divergent historical paths have produced a variety of psychiatric epidemiologies that are motivated by various intellectual issues , political strategies , reformist ideals , national cultures , colonial experiences , international influences and social control goals .
When taken as a whole , the chapters show the uneven worldwide evolution of epidemiologies that were created in various political and cultural zones but were influenced by the transnational exchange and deliberate assimilation of ideas , methods and skills . These traveled along multiple lanes both within and between the Global North and South . The chapters in this book, written by historians , anthropologists and psychiatrists , explore this complicated history with a focus on multicountry networks as well as Brazil, Nigeria , Senegal , India , Taiwan , Japan , the United Kingdom , the United States and Canada .
Table of Contents Acknowledgments Introduction Authors Gerald M. Oppenheimer and Anne M. Love llPart One : Using Epidemiology to Create Mental Health Utopias and Dystopias1 . Psychiatric epidemiology and the psychological reconstruction of post-war Britain : From Epidemics of Terror to Landscapes of Fear Hayward , Rhodri2. Self-Participatory Surveillance : The Japanese Dementia Study by Hisayama Kitanaka , Junko3 .
Pathways of Divergence from Global Epidemiology : A Local Epistemic History of Psychiatric Epidemiology in Brazil Almeida , Naomar Part Two : Pushing Psychiatric Epidemiology’s Limits4 . The Type A Personality Pattern and the Narrative of Cardiovascular Disease : When Risk Factor Epidemiology Met Mental Health Richard Neugebauer and Gerald M. Oppenheimer5 .
The Transcultural Psychiatry Section at McGill University’s First Epidemiological Studies Edward DelilleOf Fairies , Robots , Witches and Zombies: Conceptualizing a History of Cross-Cultural Psychiatric Epidemiology in Nigeria , Part Three , De-centering Psychiatric Epidemiology in a Postcolonial World Mr. Matthew Heaton7 .
Knowledge-Production and Erasure in the Interstices of Science: Bringing Psychiatric Epidemiology to a Senegalese “Living Laboratory”Lovel l , Anne M.8. A Subaltern Critique of the Development of Community Epidemiological Studies in India Alok Sarin , Debjani Das , Pratap Sharan and Ananya Mahapatra9 .
The History of Psychiatric Epidemiology in Colonial Taiwan : Taming the Tropics with Numbers William Yi-Jui Wu Selected Literature Contributors Index . Reimagining Psychiatric Epidemiology in a Global Frame : Toward A Social and Conceptual History
(Rochester Studies in Medical History) (EPUB)
See Also : Principles of Biostatistics, 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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