Organic Reaction Mechanisms , Selected Problems and Solutions (Original PDF from Publisher)
To comprehend how reactants are converted into products , this completely revised new version contains organic reaction mechanism questions that have been carefully chosen from the major chemical literature .
The author provides detailed explanations of each problem’s answers , along with pertinent contextual comments that explain the logic and reasoning behind each step and identify the underlying concepts at play in each inquiry . The technique helps the reader comprehend the basic ideas of organic chemistry and teaches them how to master the Lewis acid/base notion so they may carry out organic reactions without memorizing formulas .
Features :
The questions are divided into two parts according to their level of difficulty . Part A contains questions geared toward sophomore-level organic chemistry students , while part B contains questions of a slightly higher level suitable for students taking an honors course in organic chemistry or an introductory graduate course . All questions have comprehensive solutions given so that students can check their responses and each answer emphasizes key concepts .
The choice of questions has been carefully considered to make sure that each one exemplifies one or more core concepts in organic chemistry . Mini-reviews of the content related to various topics are dotted throughout the book . Students can seek up the relevant literature references that match to each question to learn more background information . includes numerous questions about carefully chosen mechanisms and step-by-step solutions with explanations .
Organic Reaction Mechanisms , Selected Problems and Solutions (Original PDF from Publisher)
see also : Organic Chemistry: Principles and Mechanisms, 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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