Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series®) , 5th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
With the helpful support and expert direction of the recently revised Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy! ® , 5th edition , get a solid foundation in administering safe, efficient infusion therapy .
This comprehensive guide on giving and monitoring various IV drugs provides clear instructions on key ideas , phrases and procedures , supported by a wealth of images , self-confidence-boosting humor and professional insights . This well-known Incredibly Easy !® text , which provides simple , succinct guidance for nursing students , is also the perfect refresher for nurses and all practitioners learning best practices for a variety of infusion therapies .
Learn the abilities and knowledge required to successfully provide infusion treatment… NEW and entirely updated content featuring the newest infusion therapy methods Simple instructions that are easy to read and remember for novice IV users
complete instructions and succinct justifications on topics like:
Visit websites
Equipment management and use
Techniques for initiating an IV , such as line insertion Handling complications
utilizing peripheral veins for infusion treatment
needing central venous access for infusion therapy
intravenous nutrition
chemotherapy , biologics and antineoplastics
terminating an IV
Taking care of hypernatremia , kalemia , calcemia and hypothermia
Special concerns for patients in home care , geriatrics and pediatrics
Legal concerns and ethical guidelines
Hundreds of vivid images , pictures and diagrams demonstrate fundamental concepts and abilities , including :
Delivery procedures
Rates of flow
fluids and medicines for infusion
monitoring and recording
Transfusion medicine
Added characteristics include:
A concise synopsis of each chapter’s material is provided .
“Nurse Joy” and “Jake” provide concise explanations, important care recommendations and professional guidance on interventions and problem-solving . After each chapter, there will be a quick test with multiple-choice questions to help you retain the information .
It’s all done now! – a concise summary of the chapter’s most important detailsEvidence-based best practices for delivering and observing infusion treatmentAdvisory : potential dangers or issues Tips to keep everything running smoothly and free of issues with patients and equipment Anecdotes and memory techniques to help you remember important information Getting better through practice – book end Practice NCLEX questions for effective test preparation .
See also : Ace The Boards : A Concise Textbook of Hematopathology (Original PDF from Publisher)
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