All Blood Counts : A Manual for Blood Conservation and Patient Blood Management (EPUB)
by Dafydd Thomas (Contributor) , Biddy Ridler (Editor) and John Thompson (Editor, Contributor)
An experienced collection of blood conservation practitioners, including surgeons , anesthetists , haematologists , transfusion experts , microbiologists and legal consultants , have compiled their collective knowledge in this book .
Who needs transfusion , practicalities and advice on how to do it , the laboratory perspective , haemodilution , intra-operative cell salvage surgical methods to minimize blood loss , anesthetic methods to minimize blood loss , pharmacological methods to minimize blood loss , postoperative salvage , postoperative haemoglobin , cancer patient and transfusion-transmitted diseases are among the topics covered . Pre-operative blood management , near-patient testing , pre-operative anemia management in obstetrics , pre-operative anemia in orthopaedics , haemostatic sealants , the impact of transfusion in cardiovascular surgery and transfusion alternatives are among the additional chapters that will be included .
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