Implante Coclear : Técnicas Cirúrgica em Realidade Aumentada (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Giovana Spilere Peruchi and Rogério Hamerschmidt
Several surgical approaches for the cochlear implant , including step-by-step instructions shown in enhanced reality images and videos .
Part of a project by professor Dr. Rogério Hamerschmidt , otologist Dra Giovana Spilere Peruchi and a technical graphics team is the implant Coclear – Surgical Technique in Enhanced Reality . The work aims to introduce a new method of surgical education and training to practicing surgeons . The book includes a brief history of the cochlear implant, various surgical approaches, and the main topics of surgery .
These topics are covered in a didactic manner with step-by-step instructions and the use of augmented reality images and videos to accompany detailed surgical descriptions . It is intended for otolaryngologists , residents , otorhinolaryngologists and graduate students who are interested in this field .
See Also : Fonoaudiologia: Avaliação e Diagnóstico (Original PDF from Publisher)
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