Victimology : A Comprehensive Approach to Forensic , Psychosocial and Legal Perspectives (Original PDF from Publisher)
According to Rejani Thudalikunnil Gopalan
A victim is someone who has been harmed , hurt or died as a result of a crime , accident or other occurrence .
Victimology is a key component of the forensic field and focuses on the victimization in terms of psychological repercussions , impact on the criminal justice system and new policies . Victimization can happen as a result of abuse , assault, mistreatment, war, terrorism, and crimes and can take place in a variety of places, including the home, school, and the public .
In the past, the offenders were given more attention and many hypotheses were put forth to explain the perpetrators’ actions and crimes . Researchers have recently begun focusing on various victimology issues and have investigated risk factors for becoming victims , the causes of recurring victimization , the forensic , psychological and social components of victims , as well as the effects of victimization .
To acquire a deeper grasp of victimization , however , additional theories and studies are required . The study of crime and its causes has given rise to a number of ideas , with a greater emphasis on offenders in the subject of criminology .
A crime involves a criminal and a victim, but up until recently, the victim received little attention . What happens to a victim , what are the psychological and social repercussions of a damaging act committed against a victim and vulnerabilities to being a victim are all critical topics that are currently receiving considerable attention and are beginning to have an impact on the criminal justice system .
Victimization may have short-term or long-term psychological and societal effects , but either way , they cannot be ignored . Victimization involves both legal redress and psychological recovery , both of which are significant . The book will consider these factors while focusing on the history and scope of victimology , various forms of victimization , such as sexual abuse , domestic violence , mistreatment , cybercrimes , war and terrorism , natural calamities , victimization at school and at work , human trafficking , crime against persons, crime against property , white collar crime , elder abuse , victim with disabilities , secondary victim and re-victimization , as well as the psychological effects and consequences of each .
In addition to the psychological treatment of victimization , the book would also concentrate on victimology and forensic variables and their impact on the criminal justice system .
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