Therapeutic Exercise Foundations and Techniques , 8th Edition (Videos)
Contents included :
Video 3.1 Active-Assistive ROM (A-AROM) Transition from Passive ROM Video Shoulder ROM Video , 3.2.1 3.3 Video for the elbow and forearm 3.4 Hand and Wrist ROM Video Video for 3.5 fingers and thumbs 3.6 Video of Hip and Knee ROM 3.7 Foot and Ankle ROM Video 3.8 Video of the Cervical Spine Lumbar Spine ROM Video at 3.9 4.1 Video of PNF Stretching Techniques 4.2 Shoulder Extensor and Adductor Stretching Video 4.3 Shoulder Flexor Stretching Video 4.4 Shoulder Internal and External Rotators Stretching Video 4.5 Elbow Flexor Stretching Video 4.6 Video of Wrist Muscle Stretching Video Stretching the Digits, 4.7 4.8 Hip Flexion and Extension Stretching Video 4.9 Hip Extension and Rotation Stretching Video 4.10 Hip Adductors and Rotators Stretching Video 4.11 Hip Adductor Stretching Video 4.12 Video of Knee Flexion and Extension Stretches Done in the Prone Position 4.13 Knee Extension and Hamstring Stretching Video 4.14 Foot and Ankle Stretching Video 5.1 Shoulder Video : Joint Traction vs. Bone Traction 5.2 Movements to Boost Video Shoulder Abduction Increase Shoulder Flexion and Internal Rotation with a Posterior Glide 5.4 Shoulder External Rotation Increased by Anterior Glide Video 5.5 Shoulder External Rotation Mobilizations—Progression Video 5.6 Scapular Mobility Increasing Mobilization 5.7 Video of Mobilization to Increase Elbow Flexion and Extension at the Humeral-Lunar Joint 5.8 Mobilization to Increase Proximal Radioulnar and Humeroradial Articulations 5.9 Increase Hip Flexion and Internal Rotation with a Posterior Glide Video 5.10 Video of Anterior Glide to Boost Hip Extension and External Rotation 5.11 Increase Knee Extension with Anterior Glide Video 5.12 Video of Ankle Mobilization Techniques 5.13 Video of Techniques for Mobilizing the Subtalar Joint 6.1 Manual resistance principles illustrated in shoulder flexion video 6.2 Video of Resistance to Scapular Elevation , Depression and Protraction 6.3 Elbow Flexion and Extension Resistance Video 6.4 Forearm Pronation and Supination Resistance Video 6.5 Video of Resistance to the Wrist 6.6 The Video of Resistance to the Fingers and Thumb 6.7 The Hip Video of Resistance 6.8 Video of Knee Resistance 6.9 Video of Ankle and Toe Resistance Upper Extremity D1 Flexion Extension Video , 6.10 PNF Upper Extremity D2 Flexion Extension Video , 6.11 PNF Lower Extremity D1 Flexion Extension Video , 6.12 PNF Lower Extremity D2 Flexion Extension Video , 6.13 PNF 6.14 Three-quarter side-lying video with alternating isometrics and rhythmic stabilization. 15.1 Rib Subluxation Correction with Muscle Energy Techniques Video 15.2 Muscle Energy Pelvic Dysfunction Correction Techniques Video 15.3 Upslipped Innominate Video Treated with High Velocity Thrust 15.4 Video of Temporomandibular Manipulations 16.1 Video of Cervical Manipulations in Supine Position for Side Bending 16.2 Video of Cranial Muscle Energy Techniques 16.3 Prone for Extension , Flexion and Rotation during Thoracic Manipulations Video 16.4 Video of Supine Thoracic Manipulation with a Pistol Grip 16.6 Video of Rib Manipulations 16.7 Sitting video of the first rib manipulation 16.8 Video of Lumbar Manipulations , including Extension and Rotation 16.9 Video of Lumbar Manipulations While Side Bending Lumbar Roll Video 16.10 16.11 Video of Sacroiliac Manipulations 16.12 Deep Cervical Flexor Muscle Activation and Training Video Video 16.13 : Transversus Abdominis Muscle Activation and Training 16.14 The Multifidus Muscle Contraction Video : Activating and Training Video 16.15 : Cervical Stabilization Progressions with a Focus on Core Flexors 16.16 Video of Cervical Stabilization Progressions with a Focus on Extensors 16.17 Spinal Stabilization—Levels 1 and 2 of the Abdominals Video Levels 3 through 6 of Spinal Stabilization for the Abdomen 16.19 Video of Erector Spinae Stabilization with Limb Loading 16.20 Cervical and Lumbar Regions Video of Stabilization Progressions 16.21 Spinal Stabilization—Video of Supine Position on Unstable Surface Exercises for Frontal Plane Stabilization in Video 16.22 16.23 Video of Alternating Isometrics for Trunk Stabilization 17.1 Levator Scapulae and Pectoralis Minor Active Stretching Video 17.2 Alternating isometrics in the side-lying position for scapular stabilization exercises 17.3 Video of Alternating Isometric Scapular Stabilization Exercise in a Weight-Bearing Position 17.4 Dynamic Resistance Exercises for Selected Shoulder Muscles in Nonweight-Bearing Positions Video Weight-Bearing Exercises to Build Shoulder Girdle Muscles, Video 17.5 17.6 Video of Dynamic Resistance Exercises for External Rotators Exercises for the Hip and Knee Musculature That Are Weight-Bearing 21.1 Video to Support Correct Lower Extremity Alignment During Step-Ups Video of the 23.1 Bilateral Stance on Stable Surfaces with Variations in Perturbations Video of the Bilateral Stance on an Unstable Surface with Variations in Perturbations, 23.2 Balance- Carrying out Complex Tasks in Order to Prepare for Functional Activities 23.4 Video of Moving and Planting Activities Advanced Weight-Bearing Exercises for the Upper Extremity to Improve Strength and Stability Advanced Weight-Bearing Exercises for the Lower Extremity to Build Strength and Stability Plyometric exercises for the upper extremities with a weighted ball as resistance , 23.7 23.8 Video of Upper Extremity Plyometric Exercises Including Weight-Bearing Lower-extremity plyometric exercises or 23.9 .
Therapeutic Exercise Foundations and Techniques , 8th Edition (Videos)
See also : Therapeutic Exercise Foundations and Techniques , 8th Edition (Test Banks)
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