The Unofficial Guide To Getting Into Medical School , 2nd Edition (EPub+Converted PDF)
By Zeshan Qureshi BM BSc (Hons) MSc MRCPCH FAcadMEd MRCPS(Glasg), Bogdan Chiva Giurca BMBS ClinEnt MBA
This book, which draws on the experiences of over 300 medical students from 32 UK medical schools, is intended to help you become
one of the select few applicants accepted into a highly competitive medicine degree.
The Unofficial Guide is written in an easy-to-read and captivating language and provides unique content with helpful advice and
information at every step of the way to help you stand out from the competition.
It breaks down the expectations for the degree, walks you through the application process, covers what you need to know for the
interview and what to look like you know and offers a comprehensive exam preparation guide.
This will be a much-loved companion for every aspiring doctor, updated to reflect recent post-COVID modifications to the admission
process and full of real-life examples from others who have succeeded before you.
Original, incredibly timely, and motivational stuff that is all grounded on personal experience
comprehensive strategy that addresses every facet of applying to medical school
Written by physicians and medical students, it is jam-packed with practical advice.
Make your application better. explains the criteria that admission tutors use to make their decisions.
Ace your entrance examinations with a 20-hour study plan. Blitz the interview: methods and techniques, the top 120 most frequently
asked questions, plus all the required background reading outside of the classroom
Create an amazing personal statement and provide step-by-step guidance based on prior, effective examples.
Applications for graduate medicine and a special area for overseas students
has a section specifically for students from abroad
Updated content to reflect procedure modifications made after COVID-19
Additional instances from real life
How to choose the top medical school to improve your chances of success
fresh diagrams
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