The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points , Referral Patterns and Stretching , 2nd Edition
Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual, Second Edition
authored by Joseph E. Muscolino , D.C.
The in-depth examination of muscle and bone palpation, trigger points and associated pain referral patterns , stretching , particular muscle treatment and other topics are all part of Muscolino’s thorough and visually appealing content .
Amazing four-color artwork with images drawn over full-color photographs depicts the palpation of the muscle . With the help of brand-new innovations like review questions, “Deeper Thoughts” case studies and an Interactive Muscle Program , you may successfully utilize palpation techniques in massage therapy and improve integrated clinical-reasoning abilities . Content is presented in a style that is easily understood and recalled rather than just learned through step-by-step muscle palpation coverage with explicit justification supplied for each stage .
Amazing four-color artwork depicts the palpation of the muscle , with images of the muscle and bones drawn over full-color photographs to give you a clearer idea of how the muscles look and where they are positioned beneath the skin . UNIQUE! Stretching coverage gives you more details on this useful treatment method and explains the function of stretching in therapy . In order to correctly identify trigger points and referral patterns in a clinical environment , Trigger Points and Referral Patterns pictures indicate where trigger points are located on the muscle and where pain radiates when an injury is felt . UNIQUE! Palpation photographs teach students and professionals how to recognize muscles when the body is posed in the same way as they will in a massage situation .
Through drawings and the Palpation Notes , specific massage-related assessment and therapy strokes are demonstrated , taking you from theory and assessment to practical application . You learn how to recognize and feel bones and other bony landmarks in Bone Palpation coverage . Each chapter begins with an overview and synopsis so that you may get a taste of the material and general direction at the major concept level . Each chapter’s measurable chapter objectives list important objectives and material that needs to be learned .
The brand-new Interactive Muscle Program on Evolve makes it easier to learn and helps you remember the content by allowing you to examine muscle attachments and the relationship between the muscles in the area . The third portion of the text, which now includes illustrations of therapist-supported stretches , gives you a thorough overview of stretching , presenting both the traditional self-stretches and the aided stretches side by side . Case studies offer the chance for integrated , clinical reasoning, which keeps your interest levels high . NEW ! For simpler navigation, the revised Bone Palpation and Ligaments section presents content in a narrative style that matches the rest of the text . BRAND-NEW “Deeper Thoughts” questions aggressively engage and test your capacity for reasoning . NEW ! Review questions provide you the chance to talk about ideas and summarize key chapter facts .
The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points , Referral Patterns and Stretching , 2nd Edition
See also : A Practical Approach to Musculoskeletal Medicine : Assessment , Diagnosis , Treatment , 4th Edition
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