The Healthcare Quality Book : Vision , Strategy and Tools , 4th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
(David Nash)
Test bank , PowerPoint summary and teaching resources are available for each chapter , along with the solutions to the end-of-chapter study questions .
Every healthcare institution is on a different path , but all of them require a road plan to get to the same place : quality . An crucial tactic for surviving—and thriving—in the competitive healthcare environment of today is to improve the quality of care . All healthcare professionals may study , put into practice and oversee quality improvement initiatives with the help of The Healthcare Quality Book : Vision , Strategy and Tools , which offers the framework , techniques and useful tools they require . The book provides a thorough analysis of the elements of quality while incorporating methods to continuously improve and transform healthcare organizations .
It features chapters written by a group of top contributors with great skill and depth of experience . The book is split into four sections . The first part lays the groundwork for high-quality healthcare and explores the origins of the movement . The discussion of tools , measurements and how they are used in the quest of quality is covered in detail in Part II . The junction of leadership and culture , which is essential to the pursuit of quality and safety, is the subject of Part III . The book’s final section , Part IV , contains a number of chapters that address many of the new themes that are influencing the landscape of modern quality .
The material of this new version has been carefully chosen to concentrate on what is most important for healthcare managers , building on the success of the past three editions . It includes updated and fresh details on : quality of community health improvement Assurances of quality and direction Provider registries and profiling organizing with a safety-first culture and high reliability Information technology for health The Healthcare Quality Book is intended to serve as both an instructional manual and a discussion starter for all anyone interested in healthcare quality , including all present and future healthcare professionals .
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