The Hands On Guide to Clinical Reasoning in Medicine
The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Reasoning in Medicine is the ideal companion to your time spent on clinical placements , offering an accessible , highly visual manual to aid in the development of your clinical decision-making abilities and the application of your knowledge . brimming with helpful hints , key boxes , exercises and summaries that are intended to aid you in applying the knowledge acquired during clinical practice .
Each chapter covers the diagnosis of common clinical conditions as well as decision-making in their investigation and management . The chapters are divided into the common clinical placements that you would find yourself in : respiratory , cardiovascular , neurology , geriatrics , gastroenterology , nephrology , endocrinology and rheumatology . The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Reasoning in Medicine , written for medical students in their clinical years as well as new practitioners and advanced nurse practitioners , offers students a convenient tool for developing their clinical reasoning abilities . The Hands-on Guide can help you make clinical decisions without the stress !
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