Review of Pediatrics and Neonatology , 6th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
thru Meenakshi Bothra Gupta Apurv and Taruna Mehra are the authors .
Fully illustrated book Theoretical topics are presented in an appealing , reader-friendly manner with fully colored , high-resolution visuals next to the pertinent text to aid in concept development . Updated pretexts in full : Pretexts that have been thoroughly updated with high-yield points , mnemonics and flow diagrams have been provided to provide a brief , point-by-point summary of all the chapters .
three parts : The chapters have been divided into General Pediatrics , Neonatology and Systemic Pediatrics in order to better organize your reading. Specific to the MCI/FMGE exams : Important topics and questions for the MCI/FMGE tests have been clearly highlighted with the letter “M” for quick identification and review .
Image-based MCQs : To help you prepare for the current exam format , we have included more than 500 fully colored images . Under the guise of a “integrated approach” , questions with an emphasis on images have been provided . Most recent updates : The relevant chapters have highlighted all of the most recent developments and recommendations in the field of pediatrics , which are likely to be questions in the future .
The majority of the most recent MCQs included : In order to familiarize the students with the current trend , there are over 3000 MCQs that comprise updated NBE-pattern questions up to January 2020 , AIIMS up to November 2019 , PGI & JIPMER up to December 2019 , among others . Genuine justifications Answers have been explained , with references to the most recent iterations of common textbooks .
Controversial MCQs have been thoroughly explained , with a discussion of each alternative and an exclusion of the erroneous ones , to help students develop their analytical skills. Annexures: Important high-yielding topics have been added in annexures, including developmental milestones , prominent characteristics of significant metabolic illnesses , significant genetic syndromes , a list of the “Most Commons” and many more . The author herself is available online at to answer all of your pediatrics-related questions , keep you up to date on the most recent developments , assist you in revising for examinations and help you assess yourself . This book can be used as a supplement to text books for students in their final year of undergraduate study as well as those preparing for various PGMEEs , as well as for all pediatrics-related MCQ-based exams , such as the MCI/FMGE exams and various DM entrance exams .
Review of Pediatrics and Neonatology , 6th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
See also : Movement Disorders : Unforgettable Cases and Lessons from the Bedside (Original PDF from Publisher)
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