Practicing Primary Palliative Care , An Issue of Surgical Clinics (Volume 99-5) (The Clinics: Surgery, Volume 99-5) (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Dr. Pringl Miller, FACS
Dr. Pringl Miller is the editor of this issue of Surgical Clinics of North America , which is titled “Practicing Primary Palliative Care” .
Concurrent palliative care provides clinical outcome benefits , goals of care discussions and understanding the outcomes that matter most are just a few of the articles that will be published . Forecasting Tools and Collaborative Decision Making ; Advance directives for perioperative care (DNR in the OR) ; enhancing pain management in the midst of the opioid epidemic ; Care for Wounds and Stomas : Less is More; image-guided interventions in palliative care ; Surgical Patients Who Are Pregnant and Palliative Care ; When Are Tracheostomies , PEGs and Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Really Indicated ?
After an Acute Hospitalization for a Serious Life-Limiting Illness , Post-Operative Recovery & Survivorship ; A few more topics include : the spiritual aspects of surgical palliative care , transitioning to comfort-focused care at the end of life , reducing burnout and surgical palliative care education .
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