Positional Release Techniques , 4th Edition : includes access to www.chaitowpositionalrelease.com
through Leon Chaitow
For individuals who want to quickly learn and confidently apply this manual technique to safely manage pain and dysfunction in humans (and animals) , Positional Release Techniques remains to be the go-to resource .
The fourth edition has undergone structural redesign in addition to adding new images , chapters with videos and an image bank on a companion website . The book’s main focus is on the theories and methods underlying the various positional release techniques and how they can be applied , from the strain/counterstrain approach to different physical therapy techniques like McKenzie’s exercise regimens and techniques that ‘unload’ tissues .
These techniques are examined from their historical inception up to the present day , with a presentation of recent findings in research and supporting data .
Learning is further aided by practical activities that look at PRT methodology and its implementation, in addition to a series of clinical problem-solving descriptions backed by pictures of evaluation and treatment approaches . focuses on usefulness and safety in both acute and chronic settings . thorough examination of all techniques for spontaneous release by placement Simple to understand and richly illustrated
Throughout , there is a balanced summary of principles and paradigms for clinical practice . The book’s practical exercises and problem-solving clinical descriptions , as well as the associated website , www.chaitowpositionalrelease.com , with its videos and downloadable graphics , all promote learning .
updated content architecture new chapters , such as : Research on strain and counterstrain Release from positions and fascia Techniques for balancing ligamentous tension Release from visceral position: the counterstrain model new drawings and artwork Companion website , www.chaitowpositionalrelease.com , has a library of images that may be downloaded as well as videos that show how to use PRTs .
See also : Clinical Aromatherapy : Essential Oils in Healthcare , 3e
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