Plant Biotechnology : The Genetic Manipulation Of Plants , 2nd Edition (Original PDF From Publisher)
By Mark R. Fowler , Nigel W. Scott and Adrian Slater
Humanity has always looked for ways to increase crop plant yields through hybridization and selective plant breeding. Today, plant breeding can be effectively guided by genetic manipulation. However, how is genetic alteration carried out? What advantages does it have to offer? And what bigger problems does the usage of this technology raise?
Plant Biotechnology : The Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants, now in its second edition, offers a fair and impartial examination of the science underlying genetic modification as well as its application to plant growth and production. The methods for genetic manipulation are explained in this book in an understandable and straightforward way, and this powerful instrument is put to use.
See Also : Introduction To Marine Biology , 4th Edition (High Quality Image PDF)
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