Physiology Secrets , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Dr. Hershel Raff
With thorough treatment of physiology , Physiology Secrets 2nd Edition strikes a solid balance between fundamental physiology and clinical applications . The Secrets approach is perfectly suited to convey this kind of information , as fundamental science courses increasingly focus on clinical applications of basic science principles and problem-based learning . This strategy is also particularly well suited to concentrating on the main facts in each section of what can be a
challenging subject of study because of its fundamental Q & A style . Short replies that include helpful pearls , pointers , memory aids and “secrets” consists of multiple option “Final Exam” Q&A Raff is now the editor of Vander’s Physiology , the top undergraduate textbook in physiology. his name will be more well-known .
Cell Signaling , Physiology of Bone , Endocrine-Metabolic Integration , Endocrine-Immune Relations and Physiology of Aging are just a few of the new chapters . Raff has established himself as a key figure in physiology and is currently a member of the writing team for McGraw-Basic Hill’s Physiology textbook (competitor to Guyton and Hall) . The Cardiovascular chapter has been strengthened and expanded and the other chapters have also been updated and expanded .
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