Notarzt Leitfaden (Klinikleitfaden) , 10th Edition (Original PDF From Publisher)
By Susanne Adler , Sibylle Tönjes and Ulrich Von Hintzenstern
You may find all the information you need to handle situations competently and safely in the Notarzt-Leitfaden.
Clearly and precisely stated , you will find : Complete action instructions for all scenarios from all disciplines , taking into account real-world issues and potential solutions Reliable instructions even for those with little experience , such as vengeful access Comprehensive differential diagnosis tables, such as those for acute abdomen , unclear coma and thoracic pain Information on less common rescue situations such chemical spills, earthquakes or terrorist attacksNew in the tenth edition: Verboten in der Notfallmedizin .
(HWS-Stabilisierung , präklinische Bluttransfusion , Analgesie mittels volatiler Anästhestika) , Telenotarzt, Clamshell-Thorakotomie, Reboa, eCPR, unbemannte Luftrettung (Drohnen) , Vergiftung durch Knopfzellen , Menigokokken-Meningitis, COVID-19-Infektion. The book is appropriate for : Notes*innen Ärzt*innen with zusätzlichem Ausbau Notfallmedizin .
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