Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Cross Sectional Anatomy
by Shounuck I. Patel , DO and John C. Cianca , MD
With optimal images that emphasize spatial relationships and three-dimensional orientation , this magnificent cross-sectional atlas offers a roadmap of typical sonographic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system .
By coupling ultrasound scans with cross-sectional illustrations, the book is made to assist beginners in developing pattern recognition skills to resolve pictures into their anatomic components . For practitioners of any level , it will improve familiarity with musculoskeletal anatomy as it appears on ultrasound imaging . The authors provide a visual baseline for assessing tendon , muscle , ligament and nerve issues in the upper extremities , lower limb and cervical areas using a sectioned technique .
The sonograph includes many high resolution views of each structure as well as original images that describe the structures in the image , act as a guide to help interpret the image, and help people comprehend anatomical relationships and ultrasound appearances . As they can utilize the anatomical images to make comparisons with their own scans , the atlas is a crucial tool for physicians studying diagnostic ultrasound . The orderly layout and high-resolution samples make this a crucial reference for the seasoned practitioner when it comes to validating exam findings .
introduces users to the anatomical linkages that are best observed in cross section and are essential for the efficient use of diagnostic ultrasonography . The shoulder to the foot are covered by more than 150 ultrasound pictures of the musculoskeletal system . To better understand the scanned anatomy , each ultrasound image comprises a correlative drawing that shows the scanned area in a highlighted frame in a cross-sectional or regional format .
Each image comes with a body icon that represents the scan level for each region . Technical hints for acquiring and analyzing scans are provided in the form of short text points and legends that highlight important details and landmarks .
See Also: Statistics for Pathologists (EPUB)
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