Movement Disorders : Unforgettable Cases and Lessons from the Bedside (Original PDF from Publisher)
Clinical case studies have long been recognized as a useful adjunct to problem-based learning and continuing professional development .
Movement Disorders collects over 90 of the most memorable and challenging movement disorder cases from the world’s leading authorities in this specialty . Compelling vignettes covering the entire phenomenology of movement disorders are presented succinctly but descriptively to walk the reader through the diagnostic process-much like being in the examining room with a master clinician . Each case follows a set format consisting of four sections : The Case : The Approach; The Lesson : Reference and Suggested Readings.
Imaging findings and other illustrations amplify the discussion where pertinent. Movement Disorders Features : Collection of over 90 compelling cases covering standard movement disorders phenomenology Cases are vividly described , well-illustrated and authoritatively written with a section on ” lessons learned ” at the end of each vignette Captures the ” human element ” in medicine-first-person narratives simulate the experience of sitting at the elbow of a master clinician interviewing and examining the patient Designed to help hone diagnostic skills and inform treatment decisions for the full spectrum of movement disorders Vignette titles serve as a reference index for clinicians to easily search similar cases they may have encountered (i.e. An Elderly Man with Dystonia : Chorea in a Young Athlete) .
see also : Review of Orthopaedics 6th (Original PDF from Publisher)
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