Mosbys Pocket Dictionary of Medicine , Nursing & Health Profession , 7th Edition
(Original PDF from Publisher)
Mosby , the author
The seventh edition of Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine , Nursing & Health is your convenient , portable resource for understanding the complicated world of healthcare .
Along with pronunciation guides , etymologies and a Spanish/English appendix , it contains over 35,700 authoritative definitions of diseases , procedures , equipment , pharmaceuticals and more (including about 300 brand-new definitions) .
Look no further than this best-selling pocket dictionary if you desire the most trustworthy health science information at your fingertips . Health science students and working professionals can benefit from the emphasis on nursing and health science terminology . The compact size of dictionaries makes them portable .
Students and health professionals can access the relevant information from over 35,700 definitions . Thumb tabs with alphabetized screens make discovering terms faster . Users can distinguish alternative spellings because to British spelling . Included etymologies expand the reader’s professional vocabulary and comprehension of medical jargon . This is a coherent and portal reference thanks to newly updated definitions . There have been 300 new definitions added for the most recent terms in medical, nursing, and pharmaceutical terminology .
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