Medical Terminology : A Short Course , 9th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
Through Davi-Ellen Chabner BA MAT
With the help of Chabner’s Medical Terminology : A Short Course , 9th Edition, swiftly develop a functional medical vocabulary !
This manual helps you learn the fundamentals of medical terminology , including the most often used suffixes , prefixes and word origins , while skipping time-consuming, unnecessary information . You can interact with and practice using medical terminology on practically every page of a text/workbook through exercises , labeling and pronunciations . The application of medical terminology in practice is shown through case studies and real-world anecdotes . You’ll be astounded at how quickly medical terminology enters your vocabulary with all of this information available along with medical animations , word games and flash cards on the Evolve website .
Easily readable and comprehendible language even if you have little to no training in biology or medicine , it enables you to easily understand and memorize medical terms . The use of activities , diagram labeling , review sheets and pronunciation practice throughout the book enhances learning at each stage of the process . Body components , illnesses , problems and medical procedures are all depicted in full color in pictures and images .
Picture Show exercises , case studies and vignettes show how medical words are used in actual situations . First-person accounts provide you insight into ailments and diseases from the viewpoint of the patient . The Principal Diagnosis feature asks you to read physician notes about a case and identify the patient’s principal diagnosis in order to demonstrate how medical words are used in real practice .
Health Terminology The Check Up at the end of each chapter helps you understand important ideas and terminology that are easily misunderstood . The Evolve website has resources designed for tablet use, and mobile-optimized flash cards and short quizzes make it simpler to study and review while on the go . Self-testing the Body Systems Challenge allows you to gauge your comprehension and reinforce it at your own pace . NEW ! Case studies give students instances of medical jargon in the context of treating patients and performing procedures . NEW ! Current hot subjects are covered in the Hot subjects appendix , including pharmacology , cancer therapies , infectious disease and medical technologies .
See also : Clinical Documentation Improvement : Principles and Practice (EPUB)
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