Medical Terminology : A Short Course , 8e (Original PDF from Publisher)
Through Davi-Ellen Chabner BA MAT
With Medical Terminology : A Short Course , 8th Edition , you may learn the fundamentals of medical jargon .
This condensed manual , which is based on Davi-Ellen Chabner’s tried-and-true learning methodology , leaves out time-consuming , unnecessary information while assisting you in swiftly developing a workable medical vocabulary of the most often used prefixes , suffixes, and word roots . To help you comprehend the precise meaning of medical terms , they are first introduced in the context of human anatomy and physiology .
Case studies , vignettes and activities then show you how to use these concepts in real-world situations . You will learn the material by completing the job as writing and engaging with medical language are present on practically every page . Additionally , medical animations , word games and flash cards are available on an Evolve companion website to help with comprehension . Regardless of your medical background , you can rapidly understand and memorize medical terms thanks to the clear and simple language .
With labeling diagrams , pronunciation tests and review sheets scattered throughout the book , the self-teaching text/workbook strategy supports learning at every stage . First-person accounts provide you insight into ailments and diseases from the viewpoint of the patient . Picture Show exercises, real-world case studies and vignettes show how medical words are actually used to depict pathologies and treatments .
The Principal Diagnosis feature asks you to read physician notes about a case and identify the patient’s principal diagnosis in order to demonstrate how medical words are used in real practice . The Medical Terminology Check Up at the conclusion of each chapter helps you confirm that you grasp the main ideas . The Spotlight feature explains any potentially unclear vocabulary . Anatomical and pathological terms are illustrated with full-color pictures .
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