Le vocabulaire médical des AS AP AES : aide-soignant , auxiliaire de puériculture , accompagnant éducatif et social , 4e (Original PDF from Publisher)
By consulting the search results for Alain Ramé on Amazon , Bourgeois , Françoise
The medical terms and expressions used by healthcare assistants and assistants in puericulture in healthcare settings , as well as by social and educational companions , are defined simply in this book . The body of the book is made up of a medical specialty vocabulary that allows readers to learn about each specialty through illustrative diagrams . This section is completed by two other very helpful sections: the affixes , which explain the meaning of the principal suffixes and prefixes used in the paramedical field and an exhaustive glossary that ensures quick access to definitions . The 4th edition of this book has updated knowledge , definition additions and a revised layout for a more pleasurable reading experience . Read more here .
See also : Medical Language for Modern Health Care , 5th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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