Instructional Course Lectures : Volume 72 (AAOS – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) (Original PDF from Publisher)
From Dr. Brian Galinat
Instructional Course Lectures , Volume 72 , which was created in collaboration with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Brian J. Galinat , MD , MBA , FAAOS (editor) and Ronald A. Navarro , MD , FAAOS (assistant editor) , provides up-to-date , clinically pertinent knowledge on a variety of orthopaedic topics .
The orthopaedic surgeons who gave presentations at the 2022 AAOS Annual Meeting wrote these lectures. The subjects covered in this brand-new volume include the growing diversity in orthopaedics , disagreements over total knee replacement , biologics and sports medicine , endoscopic spine surgery and more .
based on a few instructional lectures at the AAOS Annual Meeting in Chicago , Illinois, in 2022 provides practical , experience-based answers and advice from the most renowned surgeons and subject specialists in the area that you can use right away in your day-to-day practice .
Instructional Course Lectures : Volume 72
provides you with fresh methods and tested , useful strategies to help you lead innovation and improve the level of care in your operating room . includes numerous graphics , including radiographs , sketches , intraoperative photos and surgical method videos for several chapters .
Sections comprise :
Practice Is Crucial
All-around orthopedics
Trauma to the adult shoulder and elbow reconstruction
Exercise Medicine
Pediatrics Foot and Ankle Hand and Wrist
Improve Your eBook Reading Experience with the Spine Your preferred device(s) , such as a computer , tablet or smartphone , should be used to read directly . Simple audiobook conversion that gives your material a natural voice text-to-speech
Instructional Course Lectures : Volume 72 (AAOS – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) (Original PDF from Publisher)
see also : Flexible Bronchoscopy, 4th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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