Harvard Psychopharmacology 2023 : A Master Class (Videos)
We are glad to provide our 13th annual two-day course, which is specially created for psychiatric trainees, clinical researchers and working clinicians.
Presentations will center on common psychiatric patients , with special attention paid to those who pose treatment challenges or are resistant to treatment. The application of genetic testing, blood level monitoring, and medication combinations, among other cutting-edge treatments and emerging therapeutic approaches, will be covered.
There will be plenty of chances to speak with the presenters. The following subjects will be covered in this conference: A current review of neurobiology and brain function that walks the participant through the neurotransmission sequence, emphasizing the importance of transmitters and receptors, synaptic activity, gene transcription and neurotransmitter circuits.
interactions between environmental factors and genes. The presentation of medication treatment for bipolar illness and schizophrenia will concentrate on individuals who are resistant to treatment, have prodromal symptoms and have had their first episode. We’ll go over new antipsychotic drugs, treatment augmentation, and possible applications for mood stabilizers. The article will focus on the neurobiological underpinnings behind depression, including an examination of the roles played by inflammation, genetics and epigenetics.
The most recent clinical research will guide antidepressant use in the modern day. Ketamine, ECT, TMS, psychedelics and augmentation techniques for bipolar and treatment-resistant depression will receive particular attention. The presentation will cover the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety , eating disorders, OCD and borderline personality disorder. It will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of benzodiazepines. We’ll talk about the causes of and therapies for PTSD.
The utilization of blood levels, dosage, and creative combinations in the treatment of resistant mental illnesses will receive particular attention. We will discuss the significance of evaluating and treating women’s mental health difficulties with psychopharmacology, with a focus on PMS , perinatal and postpartum disorders.
Along with a lecture on the neurobiology and treatment of alcohol, cannabis and other drug misuse disorders, the course will also cover a review of the neurobiology and management of sleep problems in psychiatry. We’ll discuss the most recent developments in geriatric psychopharmacology. Pharmacological treatments for anxiety and anxiety-spectrum disorders, such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder , will be discussed.
The pharmaceutical management of borderline personality disorder and new ideas and approaches to treating obsessive compulsive disorder will be discussed. The significance of assessing and treating women’s mental health concerns using psychopharmacology will be discussed, with a focus on PMS, perinatal and postpartum disorders and PTSD that is resistant to therapy.
A review of the role of psychopharmacology in the management of sleep disorders will also be covered in this course. There will also be a focus on developments in the neurobiology and management of alcohol and drug misuse disorders. There will be a focus on the most recent developments in pediatric, adolescent, and geriatric psychopharmacology. The development of the therapeutic alliance and its significance when prescribing any psychiatric medication will be emphasized throughout the course , along with the possible risks and advantages of polypharmacy drug interactions.
Harvard Psychopharmacology 2023 : A Master Class (Videos)
April 28, 2023, Friday, 7:45–8:15 A.M.
Signing up
8:15–8:30 A.M.
Dr. Carl Salzman
8:30–9:15 a.m.
Matcheri Keshavan, MD, author of Neurobiology For The Practicing Clinician: Understanding Brain Function And Its Relevance To Drug
Treatment In Psychiatry
9:00–10:00 A.M.
The Creation Of Novel Antidepressants And Their Mechanisms Of Action
Alan Schatzberg, M.D.
10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Depression in Children and Adolescents: Psychopharmacology
PhD candidate Karen Dineen Wagner
10:45–11:45 AM Coffee Hour
11:00 A.M. to 11:45 A.M.
Schizophrenia Treatment Currently Available: Prodrome First Episode, Relapse, And New Treatment Options
Dr. Matcheri Keshavan
11:45 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
What You Actually Need to Know About Mania and Bipolar Depression Treatment
Dr. Roscoe Brady
12:30–1:00 P.M.
Panel Talk
Alan Schatzberg, MD; Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD; Matcheri Keshavan, MD; Carl Salzman, MD; and Roscoe Brady, MD
Lunch is 1:00–2:00 PM.
Two to two and forty-five PM
Inflammation of the Brain in Neuropsychiatry
Dr. Paulo Lizano
2:45–3:30 P.M.
Psychiatry’s Neural Circuitry-Based Therapies Roscoe Brady, MD
3:30–3:45 PM: Tea Time
Between 3:45 and 4:30 PM
Making Decisions Regarding Blood Levels, Dosage and Treatment Combinations in the Management of Resistant Psychiatric Conditions
Dr. Stephen Stahl
4:30–5:15 p.m.
Panel Talk
Stephen Stahl, MD; Paulo Lizano, MD; Roscoe Brady, MD
April 29, 2023, Saturday, 8:30–9:15 A.M.
Benzodiazepine Use in Anxiety Spectrum Disorders: A Reasonable Approach
Dr. Carl Salzman
9:00–10:00 A.M.
Anthony (Tony) Cunningham, PhD, and Robert Stickgold, PhD, on Sleep in Psychiatric Disorders
Coffee Break 10:00–10:30 AM
10:30–11:15 a.m.
Digital Phenotyping in Psychopharmacology and Psychiatry
Dr. John Torous
11:15 A.M.–12:00 P.M.
Patients With Eating Disorders, OCD, and Borderline Personality Disorder Are Hard To Treat
Dr. Carl Salzman
12:00–12:45 P.M.
Panel Talk
Anthony (Tony) Cunningham, PhD, Robert Stickgold, PhD, John Torous, MD, and Carl Salzman, MD
Lunch is 12:45–2:00 PM.
Two to two and forty-five PM
Effective Management of Addiction to Substances
Dr. Kevin Hill
2:45–3:30 P.M.
The Reproductive Life Cycle’s Psychopharmacology: Menstruation, Pregnancy, Lactation, and Menopause
Marcela Almeida, MD, and Catherine Lager, MD
3:30–3:45 PM: Tea Time
Between 3:45 and 4:30 PM
Older Adults Are Not All Identical: Different Strategies for Younger and Older Adults
Dr. Carl Salzman
4:30–5:15 p.m.
Panel Talk
Kevin Hill, MD; Marcela Almeida, MD; Carl Salzman, MD; Catherine Lager, MD
Harvard Psychopharmacology 2023 : A Master Class (Videos)
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