Family Medicine in the Undergraduate Curriculum (EPUB)
by Author Val Wass
Governments and healthcare organizations around the world have acknowledged that
good primary care that is integrated , accessible and cheap for everyone is crucial to achieving Universal Healthcare and Health for All under the Sustainable Development Goals . The first practical manual created especially to assist those organizing and executing family medicine/primary care curricula in medical schools worldwide is this one .
It provides medical educators with a set of succinct, easily navigable chapters that walk them through the requirements of the curriculum and include important references for more information . The content is accessible to those teaching medical students in any country thanks to its clear English and practical , deliverable advice that can be adjusted to different contexts . Family medicine physicians and educators can also access chapters that are pertinent to their roles by simply flipping through the sections , such as teaching methods for clinical practice educators or curriculum design for academic educators .
Important Elements
â– The first “how-to” manual for successfully incorporating family medicine instruction into medical school curriculum .
Provides a robust framework grounded in evidence to incorporate family medicine into medical education . Broad in reach , catering to scholars and instructors across all tiers and regions , this approach reflects and embraces the diversity and experience of family medicine worldwide to generate useful and efficient data that medical schools may utilize to drive change .
â– A comprehensive overview of the steps involved in doing a literature review , which establishes
the current body of knowledge , selecting a topic , research questions and methodology , carrying out the research and sharing the findings .
â– Encouraged by the WONCA Education Working Party
Members of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) Working Party on Education edited and wrote the book . WONCA is in a unique position to provide medical schools with a solid platform to integrate family medicine regardless of the local context, allowing all aspiring doctors to understand the value of family medicine to holistic medicine and health systems . Family doctors are also encouraged to encourage students to consider a career in family medicine.
See also : Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Prep Plus (Kaplan Test Prep) (AZW3 + EPUB + Converted PDF)
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