Exploring Poisonous Plants : Medicinal Values , Toxicity Responses And Therapeutic Uses (Original PDF From Publisher)
Written by Azamal Husen
In conventional medical systems, poisonous plants are employed in a variety of therapeutic procedures.
They provide an abundance of components for both synthetic medication development and natural drug compositions. Along with many other health advantages, they are known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties. The most significant poisonous herbs , shrubs and trees are analyzed in Exploring Poisonous Plants : Medicinal Values, Toxicity Responses and Therapeutic Uses. The book describes poisonous plants and offers evidence for their possible therapeutic uses.
Qualities :
demonstrates the medicinal potential of a variety of toxic plants, shrubs and herbs. explains the harmful effects that poisonous substances can have on people or animals and gives explanations of some of the more well known ones. provides useful advice on the pharmacological investigations , traditional and other possible uses , phytochemical components , distribution and botanical description of specific dangerous plants. For those working with toxic plants as well as those in the fields of economic botany , plant biochemistry , biotechnology , pharmacognosy , pharmaceuticals , industrial chemistry and nanomedicine , this volume in the Exploring Medicinal Plants series is suitable.
See Also : Exploring Poisonous Plants : Medicinal Values , Toxicity Responses And Therapeutic Uses (EPUB)
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