Estadística aplicada a las ciencias de la salud , 2nd Edition (True PDF)
by Author Joaqun Moncho Vasallo
Cuidados de Salud Avanzados is a collection of monographs aimed at health professionals and postgraduate and doctoral students in the field of health sciences . Its goal is to advance the fundamental knowledge students have learned throughout the grade by providing advanced content on each subject being covered . In this revised and expanded second edition , a chapter is devoted to the analysis of linear simple recurrence , using a thorough approach to ensure that the multiple recurrence line model is perceived as a natural extension .
The multiple line regression , on the other hand , is now contained in a different chapter that has been expanded to include new material . Additionally , a brief introduction to the binary logarithmic regression model is provided within the framework of the generalization of the linear regression models .
Similar to the previous edition, concepts are introduced gradually , starting with the most basic and attempting to create a way of understanding and approaching problems that allows for the comprehension and use of more complex techniques . The emphasis is placed on intuitive concepts regarding the procedures and the interpretation of the results while one strives to avoid abusing mathematical language .
The readers will be capable of applying statistical methods as a key tool in health sciences research by the end of this monograph , analyzing and interpreting statistical data from population studies , writing scientific papers and developing critical arguments , as well as being able to define problems and provide scientific evidence-based answers .
Estadística aplicada a las ciencias de la salud , 2nd Edition (True PDF)
See Also : Basic Math for Health Professionals: A Worktext (Original PDF from Publisher)
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