Diagnostic Pathology : Cardiovascular , 3rd Edition (EPUB)
Written by Dylan V. Miller
This expert volume from the Diagnostic Pathology series is a great tool for practitioners of all experience and training levels to use at the point of care. This volume covers all facets of cardiovascular pathology, including molecular panels and genetics, imaging, new cardiac devices, tumour classifications, Covid-19 information and the latest research.
It integrates the most recent scientific and technical developments in the field to offer a thorough overview of all significant issues pertinent to current practice. The third edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Cardiovascular is a visually appealing one-stop resource for every professional pathologist, resident, student or fellow. It is easy to use and has rich illustrations, making it a perfect daily reference as well as a dependable training tool.
covers all aspects of cardiovascular pathology , with chapters arranged according to the anatomic site and the methods of specimen contact that are most common in practice: autopsy, explant and surgical specimens, and biopsies. includes extensively updated information (text, photos, illustrations and references) on the most recent tumour classifications from the World Health Organisation and the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting, along with new information on the staging and grading of heart tumours and COVID-19 data.
assesses a new generation of cardiac devices using text and photos from surgery and autopsy specimens. includes updated information on genetics, cardiomyopathy, and sudden cardiac mortality, as well as newly suggested amyloid therapeutic options.
Features around 1,500 images , including photomicrographs , electron micrographs , graphic medical illustrations and meticulously annotated histology and gross pathology photographs to assist practicing and aspiring pathologists in making an accurate diagnosis. Uses a comprehensive index , a range of tables , annotated photos , essential facts , bulleted content , regularly templated chapters and relevant references for easy access to expert information at the point of service.
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