Diagnostic Pathology : Head and Neck , 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Brenda L. Nelson , Susan Müller and Dr. Lester D. R. Thompson
The Diagnostic Pathology series’ authoritative volume is a great point-of-care tool for practitioners with all levels of training and experience . It includes the most recent clinical, pathologic and molecular knowledge in this complex subject to provide a thorough overview of all major issues pertinent to today’s practice while covering all facets of head and neck pathology . The third edition of Diagnostic Pathology : Head and Neck is a comprehensive resource for accurate , comprehensive pathology reports that is user-friendly and richly illustrated . It is perfect as a daily reference or as a dependable teaching tool .
gives a precise framework for comprehending the clinical and histopathologic characteristics of more than 325 novel or developing entities affecting the head, neck, and endocrine organs . Features updates on recent advancements in the field and current knowledge from the World Health Organization Classification of Head and Neck Tumors , Fifth Edition and the Eighth Edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual .
covers several novel diagnostic entities , such as SMARCB1- and SMARCA4-deficient carcinomas , adamantinoma-like Ewing sarcoma , intraductal carcinoma , sclerosing polycystic adenoma , microsecretory adenocarcinoma and HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma . contains significant updates on tumors of the sinonasal tract , the salivary gland and the teeth , as well as information on the correct classification and staging of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma and the recently significant reclassification of neuroendocrine tumors .
It also includes terminology and identification updates for head and neck soft tissue tumors . provides tables and immunohistochemistry charts that may be used to make management decisions and prognostic outcome predictions , as well as suggestions for supporting investigations in a realistic clinical situation .
Features more than 3,200 images , including full-color drawings of head and neck anatomy , illustrations for staging protocols , genetic pathway graphics , radiologic images , clinical photographs and gross images , as well as more than 2,600 additional images that are only available online . utilizes chapters that are consistently templated , bulleted information , vital facts and annotated photos for speedy , knowledgeable reference at the point of service .
See Also : Functional Illness of the Head and Neck (Original PDF from Publisher)
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