Clinical Chemistry , 9th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
By Márta Lapsley , MB BCh BAO MD FRCPath , William J. Marshall , MA PhD MSc MBBS FRCP FRCPath FRCPEdin FRSB FRSC , Andrew Day , MA MSc MBBS FRCPath and Kate Shipman .
Clinical chemistry examines how disease affects the chemistry of the body . It provides an overview of the scientific underpinnings of common biochemistry tests used in medicine , such as those used to evaluate organ function , diagnose diseases and track the effectiveness of treatments . The fundamental physiological and biochemical principles are briefly described in each topic area before being applied to patient investigation and management .
Regular use of case studies serves as a helpful springboard for exam revision while also highlighting clinical relevance and chapter key points . This ninth edition has the same readable writing style that previous editions’ readers have come to love , but the content has been completely updated . This respected text’s methodology and scope make it the perfect choice for clinical and biomedical science students , practitioners and integrated medical curricula .
This outstanding learning package is completed with the complimentary eBook version , which contains additional cases and self-assessment materials . updated to include new tests , the most recent evidence-based recommendations and a new chapter on clinical chemistry in pediatrics . updated to reflect the most recent changes in practice . Case studies , boxes , tables and figures all help with comprehension and learning . “Light bulb” sections offer helpful guidance and explain complex ideas or potential pitfalls . The new “Red flag” boxes indicate the results that may give clinicians grounds for immediate concern . Updated references to core guidelines reflect latest best practice . BONUS materials on Student Consult include interactive clinical cases and MCQs – to reinforce interpretive skills , check understanding and aid exam preparation .
see also : Clinical Chemistry: Fundamentals and Laboratory Techniques (Original PDF from Publisher)
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