Chemistry3 : Introducing inorganic , organic and physical chemistry , 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
The foundational principles upon which all other scientific fields are built are found in chemistry , which is usually regarded as the central science .
Gaining a solid foundation in chemistry , however , can be difficult for many students who are just starting college . In order to meet this challenge , Chemistry3 gives students a thorough understanding of the core ideas in chemistry , which they may then use as a foundation for further study . Chemistry3 is unique among the introductory chemistry books now on the market since it was prepared by a team of chemists to provide equally authoritative treatment of organic , inorganic and physical chemistry . Instead of the outdated “functional group” approach, organic chemistry is taught mechanistically to provide students a deeper knowledge of the underlying concepts .
Two chemistry education experts round out the author team’s knowledge and add to the book a wealth of knowledge about how to teach chemistry in a way that students will love and comprehend . As a result , students can move smoothly from secondary school to university studies thanks to a text that builds on what they already know from elementary school and addresses their misunderstandings and misconceptions . The use of carefully phrased explanations and reviews of students’ prior knowledge , the logical and progressive introduction of topics , annotated graphics and step-by-step practical examples are just a few of the methods the writers utilize to create unmatched accessibility.
Through the innovative use of photos and real-world context , students are encouraged to interact with the text and understand the vital role that chemistry plays in our lives . Two problems that plague chemistry education are addressed head-on in Chemistry3 : the students’ mathematical abilities and their capacity to view the topic as single , cohesive discipline . In order to assist students understand the crucial mathematical component of chemistry , Chemistry3 offers structured support in the form of thorough explanations , reminders of key mathematical ideas , step-by-step calculations in worked examples and a Math Toolkit . In order for pupils to build a grasp of the subject as a whole , frequent cross references show the linkages between each branch of chemistry and explain the relationship between the themes .
see also : An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 6th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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