Brain Embryology and the Cause of Congenital Malformations , An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North America (Volume 29-3) (The Clinics: Radiology, Volume 29-3) (Original PDF from Publisher)
Avner Meoded and Thierry A. G. M. Huisman, MD
Drs. Thierry A.G.M. Huisman and Avner Meoded are the editors of this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North America , which is titled “Brain Embryology and the Cause of Congenital Malformations . There will be articles on topics like neuroimaging of typical brain development and the normal prenatal brain’s ultrasound and MRI .
advancements in fetoscopic repair , the unified theory and spinal dysraphia ; anomalies of the posterior fossa ; Brain embryology overview ; overgrowth and cerebral dysplasia syndromes ; holoprosencephaly spectrum disorders ; disorders of ventral induction ; classification and neurogenetics of vascular abnormalities inside the skull ; DTI of brain anomalies : Investigating the internal structure ; Connectomics in brain malformations : Commissural anomalies ; How is the deformed brain wired ? and more!
See Also : Physiology Secrets, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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