Big Data Analytics In Chemoinformatics And Bioinformatics : With Applications To Computer Aided Drug Design , Cancer Biology , Emerging Pathogens And Computational Toxicology (Original PDF From Publisher)
Written by Subhash C. Basak
Current big data analytics techniques and their applications in various domains are presented in Big Data Analytics in
Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics : With Applications to Computer-Aided Drug Design, Cancer Biology, Emerging
Pathogens and Computational Toxicology.
In order to make informed decisions about scientific and societal challenges, large data management must be done correctly.
This book provides scholars in various domains with the necessary tools to tackle big data challenges.
It starts with an overview portion that will be helpful to all readers, then moves on to more focused sections that cover a variety
of interdisciplinary applications.
Here, a global group of preeminent specialists reviews their respective domains and presents the results of their most recent
research, utilizing case studies to evaluate and illustrate important data.
collects the state-of-the-art information on the key facets of big data, such as scalability of the big data domain, transparency
and data protection, analysis utilizing fuzzy logic and deep learning, and disparate data analytics.
describes numerous uses of big data analysis in various domains, including environmental protection, computer-aided medication
and vaccine design, chemistry, chemoinformatics, bioinformatics and the characterisation of new infections.
draws attention to the significant advantages that big data analytics offers to industry, science and the medicinal disciplines.
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