Basic Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
Students studying biology , molecular biology , ecology , medicine , agriculture , forestry and other fields where an understanding of organic chemistry is crucial would benefit from this book . Both non-professionals and high school teachers might find the task interesting .
There are 13 chapters in the book that cover the fundamentals of organic chemistry , such as the fundamentals of the structure and constitution of organic compounds , the elements of nomenclature , the nature of chemical bonds , introductions to NMR and IR spectroscopy , the concepts and main classes of organic reaction mechanisms , the reactions and properties of common classes of organic compounds and an introduction to the chemistry of nature . The first edition’s readers as well as the author’s coworkers provided corrections and ideas , which are now included in this second version .
Additionally , it differs significantly from the first edition in a number of important ways . The remaining pericyclic processes (sigmatropic rearrangements , electrocyclic reactions) have been included to complete the chapter on cycloaddition . A new section on the fundamentals of organic synthesis has been added to the chapter on Organic Natural Products . ” Organic Supramolecular and Supermolecular Structures ” is a new chapter that has been introduced . The fundamentals of molecular recognition , supramolecular structures and the mechanisms behind enzyme-catalyzed reactions are covered in this chapter .
Basic Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
see also : Mixed-Mode Chromatography: Principles, Methods, and Applications (Original PDF from Publisher)
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