Bancrofts Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques , 7th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
Editors include John D. Bancroft , PhD , Christopher Layton and Kim S. Suvarna , MBBS , BSc , FRCP , FRCPath . The premier reference text on histology procedures has a new edition . All those involved in histological preparations and applications , from students to highly skilled laboratory professionals , will benefit greatly from this indispensable resource .
This is a comprehensive reference book that the aspiring histotechnologist can buy early in his career and will continue to be useful to him as he obtains more expertise in routine practice . The standard reference work in histotechnology that successfully combines theory and practice has undergone a thorough revision and update . provide access to a single comprehensive resource that covers both the most recent technological advancements and tried-and-true investigative methods .
More than 30 experts from around the world who are actively active in practice , research and teaching have contributed . provide knowledgeable direction on the theory and practice of fixation and staining . use of summary tables , charts and boxes is extensive . The organization of the information makes it simple to find .
SI units , solution preparation , specimen mounting and solubility are covered in six helpful appendices . gives useful details on measurements and preparation methods used in everyday laboratory work . The usage of color photomicrographs is prevalent . better reflects the specimen’s true look under the microscope . a fresh co-editor . Self-evaluation questions and answers online . will assist in reinforcing all of the fundamentals required to pass professional certification tests and course assessments . fresh information on molecular and immunohistochemical diagnostic methods . enables user to stay current with recent developments in the industry .
Bancrofts Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques , 7th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
See also : Netters Histology Flash Cards Updated Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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