Androgenetic Alopecia From A to Z : Vol.3 Hair Restoration Surgery , Alternative Treatments and Hair Care (Original PDF from Publisher)
Constance Anastassakis
This third of three related volumes is organized into three sections and 46 chapters that address every facet of Hair Restoration Surgery (HRS) , alternative treatments for AGA/FPHL and potential future treatments , as well as hair maintenance and concealment for hair loss . The reader will discover devoted chapters on every facet of HRS , from in-depth coverage of all contemporary HRS techniques promoting a “cosmetic revolution” to initial , “prehistoric” HRS techniques that cosmetically stigmatized many people and defamed the field .
In-depth descriptions of contemporary HRS procedures that give patients—both men and women—results that resemble their own hair are provided , along with priceless surgical pearls and advice on how to handle difficulties , fix subpar outcomes and even establish a profitable HRS business . More over a thousand original and distinctive full-color images of rare cases , figures , tables and priceless surgical advice are included in each chapter .
In separate chapters , the effectiveness and safety of Low Level Laser Therapy , Genetic Engineering/Gene Therapy , Stem Cell Therapy , Hair Follicle Cloning , Platelet Rich Plasma , Scalp Microneedling and Exosomes on AGA/FPHL are thoroughly examined . These reviews are supported by numerous updated and fair citations from the literature .
Through the author’s extensive expertise using these products in therapeutic settings , all forms of concealing products that can “camouflage” baldness are discussed in detail . A thorough chapter on wigs and hair prostheses demonstrates how people with significant AGA can maintain a natural appearance and live without limitations .
We evaluate the wig industry’s drawbacks , social awkwardness , hidden costs and psychological imprisonment . Finally , a separate chapter provides information on hair cleanliness and how it can significantly effect hair loss . Androgenetic Alopecia is a helpful , complete and practical term .
Dermatologists , cosmetic surgeons , general practitioners and all other medical professionals working in this rapidly expanding and intriguing field will find all the information they need in Hair Restoration Surgery and Alternative Treatments Volume 3 from A to Z .
Androgenetic Alopecia From A to Z : Vol.3 Hair Restoration Surgery , Alternative Treatments and Hair Care (Original PDF from Publisher)
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