Anatomie Du Visage Et Du Cou En Chirurgie Et Cosmétologie (French Edition) (PDF)
written by Yves Saban
The challenge of locating the facial anatomical structures confronts the surgeon or cosmetic surgeon who wants to adorn or reassemble their patients .
This book presents the anatomy of the face and the chest in the form of a useful atlas . Its goal is to provide answers to fundamental practical questions by identifying , locating and assessing the depth of all present anatomical components.
It does this by letting the reader see the components as they would appear during surgical procedures or anatomical dissections . This anatomy presentation makes it feasible to foresee potential risks during surgical or cosmetic procedures .
Divided into three sections—plans , volumes and anatomy—this work provides a comprehensive analysis of each chapter , starting in a specific area and moving layer by layer from the skin to the deeper planes . The authors generously share their practical and instructive knowledge of facial anatomy , surgery and cosmetics with us .
To sum up :
– Part 1 : The facial anatomical plans 1. “Magic finger” or topographic anatomy with digital recognition ;
2. The anatomical plans of the face , 3. The face’s neurovascular pedicles , 4. The face’s neurovascular pedicles and facial mask : from anatomy to transplant.
– Partie 2: The facial volume , 5. Osteomuscular reliefs , buccal space and facial volume variations .
6. Grainy compartments and facial volume variations , 7. Interindividual variations in facial volume .
– Partie 3: Analysis of the facial regions 8. Anatomy of the upper third of the face , 9. Anatomy of the middle third of the face .
10. Anatomy of the periorbital and genital region; 11. Anatomy of the lower third of the face and 12. Anatomy of the cou .
Anatomie Du Visage Et Du Cou En Chirurgie Et Cosmétologie (French Edition) (PDF)
See Also : Atlas of Sinonasal Tract Pathology (Original PDF from Publisher)
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