3D Printing Technology in Nanomedicine
The book 3D Printing Technology in Nanomedicine offers a comprehensive and basic introduction to the quickly developing topic of nanobiotechnology .
It examines legal and regulatory issues and demystifies the commercialization processes . Users will find this to be a thorough resource on how 3D printing can be used in a range of fields , including the diagnosis and treatment of various human ailments , with a focus on nanoscale processes and biomedical applications .
examines the developing market for 3D-printed biomaterials and their uses in medicine , paying close attention to both premarket and commercial tools . Analyzes the promising market for 3D-printed nanoparticles , nanomaterials , biomaterials , composite nanomaterials and their use in cardiovascular and chemotherapeutic clinical trials . develops the idea of integrating several technologies along the biological systems’ hierarchical framework .
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